Connecting With Coffee
Branding, Website, and Marketing by Cassio Marketing Solutions
The Brand Inspiration and Strategy Behind Connecting With Coffee
Luxury with a twist!
At Cassio Marketing Solutions, we work closely with REALTORS® in Southwest Florida to help them develop their brand and more! This is one of those examples. Two of our luxury REALTOR® clients work together in downtown Naples and wanted to start hosting events to elevate them above their competition. Thus, Connecting With Coffee was born – a warm and inviting social event offering SWFL real estate advice while featuring local artist(s). After their first event was such a huge success, more events have planned for the future and upcoming “high season”.
“THANK YOU for always knocking it out of the park for us! Me and my team THRIVE because of your creative skills and amazing marketing strategies.”
Kim Jones
The Brand: Connecting With Coffee
Connecting With Coffee is fun and inviting. The color palette pay homage to the umbrella brand, Team Excellence & Sunshine, to keep consistency and brand recognition easy. Each line in the icon tells a story without being overpowering.
With this additional aesthetic, Kim Jones and her team have been able to land numerous multi-million dollar listings!
Are you a REALTOR® looking to increase your brand awareness and industry presence? Let Cassio Marketing Solutions help you like we’ve helped Kim and Stephanie!

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